Please click on the images to get your order forms. For all other meat orders (Turkey, Deli, Chicken, Other Poultry, Smoked Meats, Seafood and Other meats), Please call or email us with your order.

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Custom Meat Processing

We are an Animal Welfare Approved location by the AGW, with annual reviews. Our team of skilled and knowledgeable staff can assist you with all your beef, pork, lamb or goat operations harvesting and processing needs.


We offer custom mixes, and can work with your unique family recipes for things like hotdogs, burgers and sausage.   

We also have farmgate compliant packaging options for your store or resale needs.  

Below you will find our individual cut sheets as well as our current Processing Rates Guide

Cut Sheets


Beef Pork Lamb / Goat

Processing Rates